Brothers and Sisters,
This year we get the opportunity to base our gospel study on the Doctrine and Covenants and the gospel principles contained in those collections of revelations. Section 1:15 warns that people will “seek not the Lord to establish his righteousness, but every man walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world”.
The thought has come to me of how do I not let myself fall into this trap, to not let myself “walk in my own way, after the image of my own god” For me, one of the meanings of this is not getting caught up in things that waste my time and that do not bring me closer to God or my family. We all have those things that we know are “time wasters” and things that we tend to zone out doing or do out of habit. What would happen if we were to replace our time with one of those activities with something that brings connection with family, friends or God instead? We learn in James 4:8 that “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.”
Will you join me in one of my goals this year and find ways to replace some of your “time waster” activities with things that bring you closer to family or God? I know that as we bring ourselves closer to God that we will be better able to feel His love and influence in our lives.
Sam Claybrook